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Prescriptions: Who pays what?

Prescriptions: Who pays what? In England, there can be a cost when you need prescribed medication. Prescriptions in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are free. Some items are also free, such as contraception or medicine prescribed when you are staying in hospital. Standard Costs As of 1st May 2024, the standard cost of an NHS … Continued

Medicines A-Z

Medicines A to Z   Visit the Medicines A to Z page on the NHS website to find out about hundreds of types of medication.    

Getting your NHS data with a Subject Access Request

Getting your NHS data with a Subject Access Request You have a right to see your complete medical records and how the NHS has shared your information. There are different ways to do this.   Your Medical Records Your complete medical records, including copies of letters sent to and from us, scans, x-rays and notes, … Continued

Free Weight Management Help

A free, personalised 12-week programme to help manage your weight and feel healthier   Oviva Tier 2 Weight Management is a free service to help people in Newcastle lose weight and build healthy habits through specialist support over 12 weeks. Now it is even easier to start making a change. Anyone aged 18 or over … Continued

Fast-Track Suspected Cancer Referrals

Fast-Track Suspected Cancer Referrals A fast-track referral means you will be offered an appointment within 28 days of your GP’s referral. Why am I being urgently referred? Your GP feels that you have symptoms that require investigation by a hospital specialist as soon as possible. This is so that your illness can be diagnosed and … Continued

Ear syringing

Ear syringing   Ear irrigation – also known as syringing – is no longer considered the first-line treatment for clearing ear wax. This means the NHS no longer funds it in General Practice as other methods are preferred.   Self Help options Current guidelines are that ear drops should be used to soften the wax. … Continued

District Nurses

District Nurses District Nurses take care of people in the community rather than in hospitals. Typically, they will visit patients in their homes or residential care homes. For patients who have physical disabilities or life-limiting illnesses and their families, District Nurses are an essential source of support. Their clinical skills provide people with vital care … Continued

Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS)

Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) The Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) integrates Community Pharmacists into primary care. This means for patients that same-day appointments with Community Pharmacists are available for a range of minor ailments or urgent supplies of regular medication. The service gives patients quicker access to Pharmacists and their expert knowledge and alleviates … Continued