Sue Greenwell
Hi, I’m Sue, The Whickham Practice’s Nurse Manager. multisite_adminlocalhost:8888
Hi, I’m Sue, The Whickham Practice’s Nurse Manager. multisite_adminlocalhost:8888
Introduction I’m Karen Finnegan, a Practice Nurse at The Whickham Practice. multisite_adminlocalhost:8888
Hello, I’m Trish, a Healthcare Assistant at The Whickham Practice. multisite_adminlocalhost:8888
Introduction I’m Caitlin, a GP Assistant at The Whickham Practice multisite_adminlocalhost:8888
Hello, my name is Katherine, and I’m a Practice Nurse at The Whickham Practice. multisite_adminlocalhost:8888
Introduction I’m Claire, a Practice Nurse. multisite_adminlocalhost:8888
Introduction Hello, I’m Carol, a Phlebotomist at The Whickham Practice. multisite_adminlocalhost:8888
Hello, I’m Cindy, a Healthcare Assistant at The Whickham Practice. multisite_adminlocalhost:8888