Care Navigation
General info on how it works, options available.
General info on how it works, options available.
General information with focus on who can use GP services
– How to register
– Free access to all including immigrants/asylum seekers
– unregistered/temporary residents
The Healthier Together App: Support, Advice and Reassurance for Parents The Healthier Together App gives parents and guardians help, advice and reassurance when worried about their child. The app and website have been developed specifically for the North East, and provide clear, reliable advice from trusted NHS sources. How it works Here’s how it works … Continued
Find your NHS Number Your NHS number is unique to you. It’s a 10-digit number that helps everyone in the NHS identify you and match your details to your health record. Knowing your NHS number can save you time when accessing NHS services. If you need your NHS number, you can find it in your … Continued
NHS Friends and Family Test The NHS Friends and Family Test is a simple, anonymous way for patients to give feedback after receiving care or treatment. It’s used across the NHS to help understand if patients are happy with our services or where improvement is needed.
This easy-read guide shows you who can get free NHS prescriptions.
How your GP Team can help you
Prescriptions: Who pays what? In England, there can be a cost when you need prescribed medication. Prescriptions in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are free. Some items are also free, such as contraception or medicine prescribed when you are staying in hospital. Standard Costs As of 1st May 2024, the standard cost of an NHS … Continued
Sexual Health The NHS has a range of free, confidential sexual health services. These services cover contraception, testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), and advice on unplanned pregnancies. You can use any of these services even if you are under 16 years old. If you are aged 13 or older, you have the same rights … Continued
Get information directly from the NHS on more than 800 conditions.